Croatia offers several paths to citizenship, including descent, origin, marriage, and naturalization. However, for those without Croatian heritage or marriage to a Croatian citizen, naturalization is typically the only option available.

Yet, there’s another pathway accessible to those who make significant contributions to the Republic of Croatia. This route, governed by Article 12 of the Law on Croatian Citizenship, is known as “poseban interes” or special interest.

Understanding Article 12:

Article 12 provides an avenue for foreigners whose admission to Croatian citizenship serves the interests of the Republic of Croatia. This provision allows individuals to acquire Croatian citizenship through naturalization, even if they don’t meet the standard requirements outlined in Article 8 of the law.

Additionally, the law permits spouses of individuals who have acquired Croatian citizenship under Article 12 to also obtain citizenship.

The excerpts from the law on citizenship regarding special interest applications is as follows:

Članak 12 (NN 102/19) Stranac čije bi primanje u hrvatsko državljanstvo predstavljalo interes za Republiku Hrvatsku, može prirođenjem steći hrvatsko državljanstvo iako ne udovoljava pretpostavkama iz članka 8. stavka 1. točaka 1. -4. ovoga zakona. Hrvatsko državljanstvo može steći i bračni drug osobe iz stavka 1. ovoga članka koja je stekla hrvatsko državljanstvo, iako ne udovoljava pretpostavkama iz članka 8. stavka 1. točaka 1-4. ovoga zakona, ako godinu dana živi u Republici Hrvatskoj s odobrenim boravkom. Na zahtjev Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova, nadležno ministarstvo odnosno središnji državni ured daje obrazloženo mišljenje iz kojeg nedvojbeno proizlazi postojanje interesa Republike Hrvatske za primitak u hrvatsko državljanstvo stranca iz stavka 1. ovoga članka.

Which translates to…

“Article 12 (NN 102/19) A foreigner whose admission to Croatian citizenship would be in the interest of the Republic of Croatia may acquire Croatian citizenship by naturalization even though they do not meet the requirements from Article 8, paragraph 1, points 1-4. of this law. Croatian citizenship can also be acquired by the spouse of a person from paragraph 1 of this article who has acquired Croatian citizenship, even though they do not meet the requirements from article 8, paragraph 1, points 1-4. of this law. At the request of the Ministry of the Interior, the competent ministry or the central state office gives a reasoned opinion from which the existence of the Republic of Croatia’s interest in the admission to Croatian citizenship of a foreigner referred to in paragraph 1 of this article is undoubtedly derived.

Qualifying as an Ideal Candidate:

To qualify under Article 12, it’s essential to demonstrate that your admission to Croatian citizenship would significantly benefit the country. This requires showcasing a pattern of tangible contributions to Croatia that surpasses the norm or providing evidence of future contributions.

For instance, individuals who join Croatia’s national sports teams often receive citizenship under Article 12 to facilitate their participation. While Article 12 is commonly used for sports-related purposes, it’s not limited to this area alone.

Steps to Apply for Croatian Citizenship Under Article 12:

  1. Prepare Your Application: Assembling a comprehensive application is crucial. Include all relevant documentation and highlight your achievements and contributions to Croatia.
  2. Choose Your Ministry: Alongside the Ministry of the Interior (MUP), other ministries relevant to your basis may need to provide opinions on your application.
  3. File Your Application: Submit your application in person at the administrative police station closest to your residence. If applicable, your legal representative can file the claim on your behalf.
  4. Make Your Statements: Be prepared to provide statements to the police regarding your application. These statements will vary depending on your situation and may require multiple visits.
  5. Wait Patiently: The processing time for citizenship applications can vary. Follow up with the authorities if necessary, but be prepared for a potentially lengthy process.
  6. Receive Your Citizenship: Once approved, you’ll receive a formal decision granting Croatian citizenship. You’ll need to pay a fee to obtain this document, after which you’ll be officially registered as a Croatian citizen.
  7. Obtain Your Identity Documents: After receiving the decision, you can obtain your Croatian identity documents, including the domovnica, birth certificate, passport, and national ID card.

Seeking Assistance:

Navigating the Croatian citizenship application process can be complex, especially under Article 12. Consider seeking assistance from experienced legal professionals who specialize in citizenship matters. They can help ensure your application is comprehensive and increases your chances of approval.

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